Commercial law is a complimentary practice area related to and often encountered in commercial litigation and corporate law. At Watson Legal Group, we are well versed in matters of commercial law involving the Uniform Commercial Code and related issues. Such matters include, but are not limited to:
Article 2 – Sales
Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code deals with transactions and the sale of goods between parties.
Article 2-A – Commercial Leases
Article 2-A of the Uniform Commercial Code sets forth rules and regulations governing the leasing of personal property.
Article 9 – Secure Transactions
Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code involves transactions concerning security agreements for personal property.
Security Agreements
A Security Agreement is a commercial document that provides a lender with security interest in a specific asset or personal property pledged as collateral. The pledged collateral can be seized and sold should the borrower default on the obligation.
Promissory Notes
A Promissory Note is an unconditional promise to pay a specified sum of money on demand or at a specified date. The Promissory Note may become a negotiable instrument under certain circumstances.
Landlord-Tenant Law
Landlord-Tenant Law is a phrase used to denote a legal relationship existing between the lessor and the lessee of real property. Watson Legal Group has prosecuted and defended numerous dispossessory actions.
Repossessing Personal Property
Repossessing Personal Property typically involves enforcement of a security agreement or the enforcement of a judgment by seeking a writ of possession and seizing personal property collateral.